Its been a while since I’ve been on my WordPress site , reading back on my old post about the competitions that I won is great and a lovely thing to look back on.
Blogs are a great way of documenting things that interest you as well as others that have an interest in the same things can read your blogs as well. My passion is everything Beauty!! So….. that’s what I’m going to start blogging about as that’s what’s in my blood.
I will aim to Blog as often as I can, to start with I cant make promises or commitments as I work full time then do my beauty along side my shift work so at times I can be really busy trying to juggle two jobs alongside my social and home life so I will be here as often as I can. I don’t want to come on here and throw something together halfheartedly but really want to put some thought into it.
** Below is a picture of my nails currently – these are my natural nails, I wear The Gel Bottles BIAB over my natural nails, then colour is Ink Londons iLac i128 Duck Egg then on my ring finger is my first go at a Tartan Nail. What do you think? ?
Until next time!! XxX
